Welcome to Simon's English Room. While this Blog is primarily intended for my students at KAIST - the Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology - anyone is welcome to read it.
While I cannot promise that I will write something everyday, hopefully the Blog will be regularly updated with information related both to my classes at KAIST and to learning English generally.
This is the first time I have set up a Blog so expect the unexpected for a while. With any luck, I will get the hang of it eventually, and be able to use this medium to help you help yourselves improve your English.
For now, be good and happy,
best wishes,
댓글 2개:
Wow! What a nice blog! Hi, Dr.Simon. I'm your student, Dae young. It just feel like a little bit late, anyway, I'm really glad to taking your class. I'm so~ happy to meet you. How funny and passionate you are!
I hope that I could improve my English fluency by taking this class, but also I hope that I could be your good friend. I think it natural to keep in touch with you even though our class dismissed.
Um.. I'd better go for dinner. Ah! It'll be very thankfull, if you correct this piece of writing. Have a nice evening and good night!
Thanks for the thanks. I hope I can have some impact on your English as well. If I can't, then the good people at KAIST will be wasting their money! For now, be good and happy and sleep well.
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