An activity I thought you could get involved in on a voluntary basis is the writing activity for each chapter.
The writing activity on page 45 of the Textbook this week, for example, involves writing a letter in response to a letter written to an advice column in a newspaper [click on the picture above].
What you can do, if you would like, is write a reply to same and post it anonymously [if you want] in the comments section for this posting (I will put an sample reply there). If you check back, I will try and correct what you have written.
If this works out, we can continue doing this each week for each Writing Activity in the book.
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Dear Sad Sam,
Thanks for your letter. Looking at your photo, I can't really understand why you have been having so much problem getting a job. You like a fine looking man to me!! Maybe you should consider offering the people you are being interviewed a financial incentive to employ you. Or else, maybe you could try and discredit the other people who are going for the same job. Whatever you do, don;t change the way you look. You look just fine.
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