2008년 4월 13일 일요일

Assessment Task 2: Job Interview Friday 18th April 2008

The second assessment task will be held this Friday and will consist of a job interview.

With your partner, you will have to pretend you are a School of Arts and Humanities interview panel and that you are interviewing me for an English teaching position at KAIST.

The first five minutes of the interview will involve you asking me questions while the second five minutes of the interview will involve me asking you questions about KAIST

More details and suggestions will appear on the blogspot during the week

Job Interview: Sample 1
Job Interview: Sample 2

Song of the Week: Chapter 5 Kermit: Being Green

This weeks song is "Bein' Green“, a popular song originally written by Joe Raposo in 1970 for the children's show Sesame Street where it was performed by Kermit the Frog . As the Wikipedia post on the song notes, "'It's not easy being green' is a phrase that appears in pop culture as an expression of melancholy. In the song, Kermit begins by lamenting his green coloration, expressing that green 'blends in with so many ordinary things.'"

Kermit the Frog is a Muppet who was first introduced in 1955 and is one of
puppeteer Jim Henson's most famous and beloved creations. As the Answers.com post on the singer / actor notes, Kermit was performed by Henson until his death in 1990. Since then, he has been
performed by Steve Whitmire.

Lyrics: Lyrics: Bein' Green
Video: video: Bein' Green
Download: Van Morrison: Bein' Green

Learning English Podcast: 4 ESL Podcast

The ESL Podcast is a podcast put out by the Centre for Educational Development which is a leading producer of high quality educational podcasts. All their podcasts are created by experienced University professors and teachers using the most effective, research based methods available.


Audio Files: Chapter 5 Being Different

Please find below links to the audio files for Chapter 5: "Being Different".

Listening; Pronunciation; Speaking


On-Line Resources: Chapter 5 Being Different

Find below links to some other resources and actvities related to the theme for Chapter 5: Being Different.

World Link Exercise Chapter 5
Topics On Line Magazine
Archie Comics & ESL

Extra Listening: Chapter 5 Being Different

For extra listening practice try the follwing exercises from Randall's Cyber Listening Lab. The Listening Episode and Quiz are entitled Visiting A Japanese Bath and the level is said to be 'medium'.

Visiting a Japanese Bath