Dear Friends,
Just a message to remind you that this Friday I will hand out a short questionnaire to gage your feelings about the level of the text book and the class in general. While I can't promise that there will be great changes - I am hesitant to give up on the textbook altogether - if enough of your feel that the level is too low, I will attempt to make the activities a little bit more challenging.
On another matter, as also mentioned in class this morning, I want to remind you that from this Friday people will be penalized [i.e. marks will be deducted] if they have not done the homework and / or fall asleep in class.
I realize that many of you have to stay awake late in order to do homework and/or drink and party with your friends. I also realize that it is often difficult to get out of these 'tasks'. Having said that however, it is clearly unfair that students who fall asleep in class get the same mark for participation as students who stay awake [and have also done their homework].
If it is the case that you are very very tired or feeling sick let me know before the class begins and I "will look the other way". You will however, needless to say, NOT be able to do this every week!!!
p.s. the photo is one of me in north east China. The area you can see across the river is North Korea.
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