Hi Simon, Elisabeth here. I've found your blog and thought i'd drop you a note. I'm french and teach English in France to high school kids. I also have a blog for them. http://bilien.blogspot.com/ Lately, i found this site which i really love. You might enjoy it as well. Much better than a blog. It's called Haiku, and it's free for one class. I thought you might like it: http://www.haikuls.com/ Ain't the net a wonderful thing! Say Hi to your pupils! Sincerely yours. Elisabeth Bilien PS: This is not a spam ;-)
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Hi Simon, Elisabeth here. I've found your blog and thought i'd drop you a note.
I'm french and teach English in France to high school kids.
I also have a blog for them. http://bilien.blogspot.com/
Lately, i found this site which i really love.
You might enjoy it as well. Much better than a blog. It's called Haiku, and it's free for one class. I thought you might like it:
Ain't the net a wonderful thing!
Say Hi to your pupils! Sincerely yours. Elisabeth Bilien
PS: This is not a spam ;-)
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