The mid-term exam will involve you meeting with me with another classmate - preferably your language partner - of your choice.
The meeting should take no more than ten minutes and will involve you:
1. providing a self introduction of no more than two minutes.
2. answering some basic questions relating to your personal details.
3. engaging in a conversation with me and your fellow examinee on a topic of your choice drawn from the first six chapters of the text book.
The self-introductions and conversation will be recorded for later reference.
The meetings will take place at a time agreed on in Monday's class in our usual classroom.
댓글 2개:
professor, I'm seon-mi,shin in your 10a.m class. i have bad cold and fever. so i am planing to go hospital tomorrow. but i have midterm exame plane tomorrow. i am sorry Could you change my exame appointment to Friday or another day? please answer to me.
my e-mail : fresh0sun@hanmail.net
phone number : 010 4549 6612
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