The focus in the pronunciation section week is on the expression "going to".
As the audio recordings demonstrate, this often sounds like "gonna" in fast speech. As such, its is worthwhile training your ear to make sure that you pick it up when it is spoken.
You need however to beware of a couple of things:
(i) "gonna" is a pronunciation form, not a wriiten one. You should not [except when you are reporting what other people have actually said, and wish to indicate for some reason that they said "gonna" as opposed to "going to"] use this when writing.
(ii) you should probably try and avoid using it when speaking as it is regarded by many people as a "low" form of English and may lead some people to think of you less highly.
As time goes on, and you become more and more used to speaking English, it is possible that abbreviated forms of expressions such as "going to" will become part of the way your speak. My advice would be to wait until it does rather than adopting "gonna" now.
pronunciation audio file 1
pronunciation audio file 2
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