Please find below the timetables for Assessment Task 3.
If your name is not on the timetable, email me with your prefered date and position.
taskz, wk10
Class 1:
1. Ask at least one question
2. Act as a time keeper, host, time-enforcer and/or adjudicator
Presentations will all be [hopefully] filmed.
Students will be made aware of the situation with respect to time with:
1. a yellow card being shown to indicate that they have 30 left, and
2. A red card being shown to indicate that their time is up.
A bell will be rung and a student will drag them from the podeum when their time is absolutely up.
If you have any questions please phone or email me. Assessment criteria will be posted later this week.
Timetable: Class 1
If you have any questions do do hesitate to phone or send an email.
Good Luck!!
assessmentz, wk2